From Dallas to Dubai, Abigael Wangombe has shared her story with audiences around the world. An experienced and polished speaker, her presentations help women start (or accelerate) their journey toward becoming entrepreneurs and community leaders. She currently is seeking opportunities to speak with women about the following topics:
- Pursuing your passions
- Strategies for goal-setting and achievement
- Starting (and growing) a business
- Finding success both professionally and personally
- Overcoming obstacles and gaining confidence
Several events and conferences have featured Abigael and her unique perspective on entrepreneurship, including:
- Women Evolve (Dubai, United Arab Emirates): A panel of 30 women with an emphasis on empowering leaders.
- Women Federation in Business (Cape Town, South Africa): Participated on panel with business leaders in Diaspora 2014 event.
- Women Business Summit 2014 (Dallas, Texas): Co-hosted event.
Abigael would love to bring her story to your audience — or provide expertise for your news story! Please send inquiries to
Abigael Wangombe
Care Info Club
PO Box 1544
Bellevue, WA 98009